Thursday, July 5, 2012

Coomon sense and honesty at temples

I went to have darshan at shirdi.I think Shirdi Trust has done wonderful job in having the railings and other arrangements so that people do darshans without much hassle.They have put barricades at all the places so that people come in queue.They have arrangements for people to have water/tea while they are standing in queue.But actual reality is quite different. Darshans of SAI BABA is not hassle free but world war -III. People have made two rows/three rows where only one row was possible.There was absolutely no need to make second/third row.Some  people did not hesitate to jump over the 5 foot railing.On confrontation ,answer was "INDIA MIEN AISA HI HOTA HAI".(In india,its ok to break rules). Same has been followed by educated and un-educated alike .There was total chaos because people pushed each other.I could see few elderly people jumping over the railings as well.It was really bad state and lot of pushing happened but some how i am not able to blame the arrangements .Arrangements were fine if only people could have behaved little patiently.There was absolutely no need to make 2 rows where only 1 was intended.There was no need to jump the railings .There was no need to push each other.Only question intriguing me is this "Can chaos be prevented in places where thousands of people visit for darshans". Does the prevention of chaos only responsibility of the Trusts managing the temples/places of worship.Some where its the failure of our education system if chaos happen in-spite of good arrangements.We as society/people have accepted that in India only way forward is by pushing each other.If educated people take pride in breaking rules,what about the un-educated ones.I think we seriously need to revisit the education system and values imparted to students.The degradation of moral values is definitely a problem if only we as people see it and correct it.