Friday, June 8, 2007

Ready to go ahead but where dont know

Isnt it a mad race.Everybody running after money ,achieve big success.And this big keeps on becoming smaller with time,but there is no escape ,you want or you don't,you have to run.In this mad race,some times you feel lost.You ask your self this is what i want, and you go blank.And then you realize,all are running ,keep running,killing the inner solace you have.And also you know,you wish to have few things ,which are not in your hands.You ask god,if you believe,then over a time realize,you will get only when you are destined to get not before not after,even how much hard you can try.So finding peace in those striving moments, when you are running after it ,are most difficult ones.And once even when you get it,you ask yourslef was it the worth.So this catch 22 situation contiues.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Bawra Man

Are U fond of ART movies, i jsut got addicted to art movies when i was in mumbai for one year.So even if you are not,one must watch "Hazaron Khwaishen Aisi",

Time flies away

Time is like sand.The morre tightly you try to hold it, more it flows through your hands just like sand .After some time,you realise,uuuff i missed lot of things that could have been done and achieved,but then its ok.....You cannot be master of everything.